

internet data center

internet data center

We can no longer dispense with the Internet in any way as it has been used by billions in all different continents of the world and its use has increased with the spread of the Corona virus because everyone is staying at home, and perhaps someone  may ask a question about who controls the Internet in the world And where is the Internet Center located?

In the beginning the first appearance of the Internet was at the beginning of the twentieth century in America and it was intended to use it in wars to communicate with the army and things related to war but after a while, America experimented with the Internet in universities and indeed the experiment was successful and after that America exported the Internet to the whole world and once it was launched it became the whole world It looks like a small village and this prompted some countries to try to be the dominant Internet in the world.

But of course america did not allow it, it is the one who provided it but it allowed these countries to control the internet in the country only and not outside that means that every country can control its own internet only and block sites from it while America is the global dominant, if we conclude from that that the center The Internet in the world is located in the United States of America.

Specifically it is located in Virginia near Dallas Airport and the Internet center in the world is about 40 minutes from Washington State this is for the Internet Center as for the transmission of the Internet it is done through very large cables that pass through the oceans to countries of course these cables are large in size and very fortified.

As for cloud storage centers globally, they are present all over the world but the place that teems with the most cloud services centers in the world is located in Asia and North America and the rest of the continents with them but the most numerous are these continents.

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