

Definition of the Persian cat

The Persian cat or the Iranian cat that was exported from Iran is ancient Persia and is called in Iran as the Shirazi cat. These breeds were imported to Europe in 1620 and to Turkey during the era of the Ottoman Empire in the same period, and then it became one of the most famous cats around the world.

The Persian cat is not like the rest of the cats, as it loves to sleep and is a little heavy, unlike cats that like to play, jump and riot, its body is not dynamic or graceful, therefore it is usually preferred to stay on the floor steadily. Among the most prominent qualities of Persian cats are long silky hair, large round face, small ears and thick tail Finally, it has thick hair in a wide range of colors, including white, silver, orange and black.

Although Persian cats are known for their compressed face, it may be surprising to know that these cats did not always have this flat face. In fact, a genetic mutation occurred in the 1950. Persian cats are popular with many people and differ in shapes and colors and there is a quality with a pointed face It is known as the "doll's face" and is closely resembled by its Iranian predecessors.

The Persian cat is distinguished by its picturesque beauty and has many names and many characteristics including the flat face and this type resulted from genetic mutations that occurred to the original type which led to the obliteration of the face of the cat and there is the quality called the face of the doll which is a common description of the original breed of Persian cats before genetic developments occurred There is a Himalayan cat that has been crossbreeded with a Siamese cat with a Persian.

Short-haired cat where the Persian cat breed was crossbreeding with the short-haired American cat as for the cat or toy cat it is a small Persian cat that has many names including palm-sized and pocket cats due to its small size and this type suffers from health problems.

When it comes to the Persian cat it is necessary to observe the diet of it. Most Persian cats have problems while eating due to the strange shape of their mouths and despite this they like to eat meat; such as fish, chicken, beef and rabbits and eat wheat and oats likewise bananas and peeled apples while completely avoiding giving them some foods that are harmful to their health such as anything that contains caffeine.

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