

Definition of a budgie

The parrot

Parrot is one of the wonderful pets, and it is the fourth pet that has great fame around the world after cats, fish and dogs. Many people find domestication of the parrot at home, and it is a very spoiled bird that has beautiful and multiple colors and has a sharp intelligence and has the ability to learn Speak and imitate sounds.

According to studies there are many types of parrot birds up to 370 species and some of these species have great fame around the world, among them the African gray parrot, the Amazon parrot the macaw parrot, and the cockato parrot, but unfortunately there are species threatened with extinction.

The budgies mate in the spring, as for the males they are satisfied with only one female The female exchanges the same feeling because she is loyal to each other and among the birds that are distinguished. As for eggs, two eggs are produced to seven eggs. The female lap time for eggs ranges from two weeks to about a month. Parrots are non-migratory birds and the reason for their spread in the world is the person who carries them from one place to another.

The age of the parrot in the wild ranges to ninety years and its food is nuts and some types of insects and fruits Its original habitat is in forests and in the highest trees and it is abundant in North America, South America, Australia, and in warm regions in general.

The length of the budgie ranges between 10-100 cm and its weight usually ranges between 50 and kg. It features a strong body, broad head and solid beak. His legs consist of four fingers, two of which are facing forward and two facing back which can hold objects tightly.

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