

world's celebrities


Richness is no longer limited to only a specific thing, and it is no longer a requirement that you be wealthy if your parents are wealthy because the data changed at a time when the media became available and became very influential, which contributes to changing the lifestyle and makes the poor be rich and the unknown becomes famous, and this It comes from a talent or activity that you master and all take a reason, and in this post we will get to know some people who were previously simple people and who are now one of the biggest celebrities.

1) Elon Musk was born on June 28 1971 he acquired a very early experience at the age of ten which made him distinguished among his friends and at the age of twenty-seven he was the owner of a reputable company and then sold it to devote himself to the loyal project which was a radical transformation in his life he is the founder of PayPal and then he opened Tesla Motors At the age of thirty-three he was the creator of SpaceX and now forty-eight years old, Elon Musk is an engineer and a Canadian billionaire whose life changed from the bottom to the top due to trust in God, determination and persistence.

2) Young Bell was not disciplined at school and at university, causing him to be expelled from class. Nevertheless, he never lost hope in his love for programming that was the reason for joining the throne of the rich after establishing Microsoft with his distinguished partner Paul Allen, today Bill Gates is a tech pioneer and has ranked the seventh man among the most powerful people in the world.

3)The story started with a regular meeting, then it ended with a very big project, and that was in just three years. In 1995 the meeting was simple between Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Standardford University and talked about technology and the software world, and after that they became friends until 1998 came and the change that changed the lives of these talented young people to create the most powerful companies is Google Inc.

This is just a drop from a sea that contained a lot of people whose lives started from the number zero until they reached the top of the pyramid and made their way on their own without support or assistance and did not give in to failure but rather increased them determination and determination to reach the summit and you also can succeed and reach To the top of the pyramid just trust yourselves.

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