

work online home jobs

work online home jobs

Working at a distance at home has become an imperative and has increased in recent times after the outbreak of the coronavirus and millions of people have become dependent on the Internet as a means of financial income especially global companies Their focus has become working via the Internet and recruiting employees who work remotely to provide their expertise in any A field for respectable amounts of money, and on this occasion I will suggest to you some companies that want to recruit employees and workers who work online via the monthly fee.

PagerDuty company is looking for employees working remotely for a financial wage and positions are concentrated in the rank of engineer and sales manager in addition to an account manager and this is through working at home It is worth noting that this giant company is located in California specifically in the city of San Francisco USA and focuses its work To develop and manufacture software and applications and it also works in the field of cloud computing.

The company Zapier does not differ much from its predecessor and is also looking for employees who occupy the ranks of UX designer and application security engineer and many other jobs. The company is located in the United States of America, specifically in San Francisco, and its specialty is software development and others.

Notarize is a modern company located in Massachusetts Boston, USA Its area of ​​work is online certificate authentication This company is looking for employees to work with from a distance. Among the majors are a quality engineer, solution engineer, sales manager and marketing manager with very good salaries, provided they are serious and persistent in the business and communicate with them via their official website.

Rosetta Stone is a well-known company based in Virginia, USA. As her specialty is in everything related to language learning, the company is looking for remote employees in the ranks of teachers for any of these three languages: English, French and German, and you also need a marketing manager with good and respectable salaries.

The last Collibra company is located in New York State in the United States, and the scope of this large company is software related services and network solutions, and therefore this company will need special Java programmers in addition to requiring a remote sales analyst and solution engineer with very good financial salaries.

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