

Google challenges the Corona virus

A few days ago Google launched a service on its official page with many information and advice about the coronavirus which terrified the world and caused the killing of thousands of people. The page is present in her home country, America, but they promise to copy it in the rest of the world so that you are not monopolized in a country only because this epidemic has roamed the world and has become the talk of the hour.

The site contains a lot of instructions and explanations so that we can understand this dangerous virus and how to deal with it after the countries were isolated from each other and the people were separated and the roads became empty and desolate. the page contains updated maps and statistics and there is also a full definition of the disease in order to understand this enemy well as There are also links to health advisory materials from the World Health Organization and public health departments in every US state, as well as security advice and data on the spread of coronavirus around the world and ideas for living well and working at home.

You can also learn about the possibility of donating to support the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Solidarity Fund. The site also has information to show what people in Google search for most about the disease and links to Twitter accounts of civil organizations and local health authorities.

US President Donald Trump announced in recent days that Google is preparing to launch its website, which will be related to Corona Virus, to help the American people and the rest of the people overcome this difficult and critical stage.

Website link:  GOOGLE

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