

British minister announces infection with coronavirus


The Corona virus attacked the British more than ever, but this time it targets politicians from the power hierarchy. After the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health were infected, another minister was placed on Saturday in health isolation, after confirming that he was infected with the Corona virus, to become the third government official infected with this dangerous virus.

In a statement to Scottish Minister of State Alistair Jack put himself in quarantine after it was confirmed that he had symptoms of Covid-19 and from here we understand that the virus does not distinguish between an official or a citizen nor between the poor or the rich because it affects everyone who stands in his way has been. announced by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said yesterday that he was infected with Corona virus and due to this infection he decided to conduct the government's work through telecommunications.

In the midst of this viral wave, the Minister of Health did not escape the virus and did not hide this from the British people. Minister Matt Hancock confirmed that he is suffering from mild symptoms of the Coronavirus and that he will remain in isolation until he recovers.

Earlier, Prince Charles, the British crown prince, confirmed that he had contracted the coronavirus and decided to spend a fourteen-day period of self-isolation, with his wife, at their residence in Birkall, Scotland. This virus is considered the most dangerous in decades. It claimed the lives of thousands and still kills people in the face of the world’s deficit, and so far it has not found an antidote despite the efforts of states.

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